Organic Science Canada magazine is packed with the latest advancements in organic research and innovation from the national Organic Science Cluster (OSC) program. The magazine brings you trends, news and results from across Canada. The scientists who appear in these pages are working hard to improve the sustainability and profitability of organic and low-input agricultural systems.
Organic Science Canada magazine is published by the Organic Federation of Canada (OFC), in cooperation with the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC).
Created in 2007, the OFC is composed of ten organic associations representing nine provinces and one territory. Collectively, they promote the development of the Canadian organic industry across the country. The Federation is responsible for the maintenance and interpretation of the Canadian Organic Standards and the management of Organic Science Clusters 1, 2, and 3. OFC is based in Montreal.
The OACC was formed in 2001 with a mission to lead and facilitate organic research and education. The Centre plays a key role in national efforts to advance the science of organic agriculture. OACC also supports the training of the next generation of organic professionals. OACC’s home base is in Truro, Nova Scotia, at Dalhousie University’s Agricultural Campus.
OSC3 (2018-2023) is supported by the AgriScience Program under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and by over 70 partners from the agricultural community. OSC3 has 27 research activities under five general themes: field crops, horticulture, pest management, livestock and environment.
For more information #

The Organic Science Cluster 3 is led by the Organic Federation of Canada in collaboration with the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada at Dalhousie University, and is supported by the AgriScience Program under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Canadian Agricultural Partnership (an investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments) and over 70 partners from the agricultural community.
This magazine may be cited as: Geldart, E.. Graves, M.E., Boudreau, N., Wallace, J., and Hammermeister, A.M. (Editors). 2022. Organic Science Canada. Volume 4. Organic Federation of Canada, Montreal, QC and Dalhousie University, Truro, NS. 40 pp. www.dal.ca/oacc/oscIII