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Support the review of the Canadian Organic Standards!

The Canadian Organic Standard is the backbone of the whole Canadian organic Industry

The review of our organic standards is a collective effort - Join us!

The OFC is currently leading the review of the Canadian Organic Standards, a collaborative process launched every five years which enables Canadians to determine how certified organic food and feed are grown, and processed.                       

Between August 2023 and March 2026, stakeholders will be volunteering their time and expertise to participate in working groups and committees. They will analyze the 300 petitions for additions or changes to the standards that were submitted by the industry in the summer of 2023.

A talented team of working group chairs, managers, administrators, researchers and writers has been assembled to complete the review exercise and OFC needs your financial support.

poster organic because we care

Supporting the review 

The best investment in sustainable food production 

In Canada, organic consumers are protected. Compliance with the Canadian Organic Standards is a regulatory process that identifies food and feed products grown or processed in full adherence with our ecological organic standards. 

Consumers trust the Canadian organic brand. Contributing to the standards’ review is the best business and ecological decision.

The total budget of the project – $ 677,000

Funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)  – $502,000 

          Matching funding required from industry – $175,000.

                     Consult our sponsorship package below!

There are so many reasons to support the review of the Canadian Organic Standards

Strengthen the Canadian organic industry

The revised standards incorporate the latest research findings, update organic practices in the context of climate change, and address animal welfare concerns. It also enables us to maintain the high quality of Canadian production on international markets. In this way, we can meet consumer expectations and support the growth of the Canadian organic sector.

Spread the word about your business

Your logo and a 70-word description of your company will appear on the Standards Review sponsor page!  We link you directly with the organic community, showing who you are, what you do, why the organic sector is important to you, and your contribution to organics in Canada. 

Ban pesticides from our fields

Organic standards prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and insecticides. Studies confirm that exposure to synthetic pesticides is harmful to human health, even at low levels of exposure.  Spraying synthetic pesticides, including herbicides, is equally harmful to soil health.

No GMO on your plate

GMOs are prohibited by the Canadian Organic Standards. Adopting organic farming means preserving and protecting the heritage of seeds. What’s more, many GMO crops are grown with intensive use of herbicides; this can affect soil life, contaminate water and lead to the development of herbicide resistance in so-called superweeds.

Prevent organic market disruption

Canadian Organic Standards are owned by the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), which requires them to be reviewed every five years. Standards that are not adequately revised are archived by the CGSB: this archiving would have a considerable impact on sales of Canadian organic products on domestic and international markets.

Protect the Canadian environment

By contributing to the revision of standards, you are supporting the only ecological standards regulated by the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations that promote soil health, animal welfare, biodiversity and clean air and water. 

The Review Sponsorship Package

TARGET – $ 175,000

 *COG: Canadian Organic Growers, OACC: Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, and COTA: Canada Organic Trade Association.


Have questions? 

Contact OFC – 514-488-6192 or 438-522-9062


We will be happy to answer all your questions!

Thank you!


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